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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Placida West Boat Ramp Expansion

Project Description

Provide an additional boat ramp facility utilizing property adjacent to the existing boat ramp. The scope of design is to include a 2-lane boat ramp, kayak launch, additional parking for both vehicles and boat trailers, asphalt ADA parking, and a restroom facility. 

Project Location

12560 Placida Road, Placida FL 33946

Project Impacts

The property is on a corner which makes meeting the DOT guidelines for access difficult. After meeting with Public Works to determine access points, the project has proceeded with design of a master plan given the direction that access and redesign of traffic flow within the existing park will need to be considered in planning. This master plan presented to the Board of County Commissioners on April 12, 2022 exceeds the current funding and budget for the project.

Latest Updates

Project is in design development moving toward the direction of a full park development master plan. Master plan includes one large interconnected park, additional boat trailer parking spaces, 6 launch lanes with boarding piers, centrally located restroom building, ADA accessible kayak launch, pavilions and shade structures, an ice vending machine, and accessibility from Placida Road and Boca Grande Causeway.

The engineering design team has submitted permit applications to the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) based on the approved master plans. A joint meeting was held with both agencies, and the design team has provided them with options requested for further reduction of environmental impacts in order to obtains approvals for permitting. The County and engineering consultants are still working with both agencies to garner approvals.


Phase Cost
Design $900,000
Construction $5,800,000
Other Costs $300,000
Total Budget $7,000,000
Funding source(s): 2014 1% Local Option Sales Tax 


Phase Estimated Start Date Forecast Completion Actual Completion
Design Development 03/03/2020 12/07/2025

Supporting Materials

Placida West Boat Ramp Expansion Project Image

Project Phase
Design Development

Last Updated

Project Manager
Joe Romanelli

Public Relations
Brian Gleason
Email Public Relations

Project Number

Sponsor Department
Community Services

Design Engineer/Architect
Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc

Construction Contractor
Florida Premier Contractors, Inc

Sales Tax Project

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